Promis.e Help

Maintenance Mode

A Project Database can be put into a state preventing users from using the application during a database maintenance event, such as Updating a Project Database to the latest version. Maintenance mode is controlled by setting a value for the Maintenance extended property associated to dbo.Project table.

Use Microsoft SQL Management Studio as follows:

Enable: set value for Maintenance extended property 1.

Disable: set value for Maintenance extended property 0.

If dbo.Project table does not contain Maintenance extended property, add it following these steps:
  1. Using Microsoft SQL Management Studio, Locate table: dbo.Project
  2. Open table properties
  3. Select Extended Properties
  4. Add new Property called: Maintenance
  5. Set desired value.

User Alert Message

Users attempting to use the application while Maintenance mode is enabled (set to 1) receive below alert message. The message includes Server Name and Database Name actively in Maintenance mode. Selecting OK closes the application.